Employee Updates Dellaria ~ Dellaria Salons

Employee Updates Dellaria


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During these uncertain times, we want to inform you that we are gearing up, as we prepare to reopen ALL salon locations as soon as the Governor lifts closures of non-essential businesses.

As previously, our focus will remain on keeping everyone safe! Once provided, we will be taking all measures and updated guidelines, to assure a safe return to work for all.

We hope this information encourages you as much as it does us. As the reopening of our salons approaches, we are exceptionally grateful to have you on our team, and we look forward to seeing you soon!

More information will be provided as soon as the Governor confirms the official reopening date, and we are provided updated guidelines for our workforce.

Thank you and be well!


To our valued employees:

Please check your SPAM or JUNK folders on your emails. We are also sending out emails with important information, as well as replying to those with questions!

Thank you!
Corporate Office


To our valued employees:

As you know, Governor Baker’s statewide “stay-at-home” advisory for all non-essential businesses to remain closed, has been extended until May 4th, 2020.

We all recognize the huge impact this decision continues to have on everyone, and we understand how very difficult and confusing it has been navigating through all the continually changing information. As such, we remain committed to you and are working hard to stay alert for updates and guidance from government officials and through the Department of Labor (DOL), which to share with you.

As we all know, the brand new FFCRA “paid sick leave” law (in effect April 1st) was expeditiously created and signed into law by Congress in a short period of time. DOL’s first set of guidance, which was announced on March 24th included the FFCRA workplace poster (attached) that we forwarded you last week, which did not provide sufficient guidance on every aspect of its requirements.

This week DOL provided additional information in a detailed list of Questions & Answers Guidelines, which we are providing (attached) to inform you of the most current information pertaining to FFCRA law and how it applies.

For a clearer understanding of FFCRA Law and how it applies, we advise you to please read thoroughly the below links:

• For W2 Employees: When applying for unemployment benefits it is imperative you type in the BUSINESS NAME and BUSINESS EIN# correctly and exactly as we previously emailed you. You can also quick reference this information on your 2019 – W2 FORM.

• For Independent Contractors: Governor Baker (referencing to non W2 workers) announced in a press conference on Monday March 30th that at this time “until this program is actually implemented under the Federal guidelines, these resources will not be available, and the rules will not be in place to determine eligibility or how much people (Independent Contractors) get on each of their checks”, should they apply at this time. Independent Contractors are advised to wait until the state receives clear guidelines from the Federal government.

• Eligibility Date: March 21, 2020

We will keep you updated as new information becomes available to us.

Please stay safe and well!
Corporate Office


To Our Valued Employees:

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve, we are committed to providing you up-to-date information to better manage during these difficult times. Please view below notice with provisions of the new Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFRCA), which explains paid sick leave and expanded family and medical leave for specified reasons related to COVID-19.

We will provide you updated state and federal stimulus benefit information as the specifics become available to us. As a reminder, we ask all employees to please visit our Employee Website Page for frequently updated information. The link is https://bit.ly/3akhNLc

Please feel free to email us with any questions.

On behalf of the Corporate Office, we wish you good health!



The Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA or Act) requires certain employers to provide their employees with paid sick leave and expanded family and medical leave for specified reasons related to COVID-19. These provisions will apply from April 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020.

► PAID LEAVE ENTITLEMENTS Generally, employers covered under the Act must provide employees: Up to two weeks (80 hours, or a part-time employee’s two-week equivalent) of paid sick leave based on the higher of their regular rate of pay, or the applicable state or Federal minimum wage, paid at:
• 100% for qualifying reasons #1-3 below, up to $511 daily and $5,110 total;
• 2/3 for qualifying reasons #4 and 6 below, up to $200 daily and $2,000 total; and
• Up to 10 weeks more of paid sick leave and expanded family and medical leave paid at 2/3 for qualifying reason #5 below for up to $200 daily and $12,000 total.

A part-time employee is eligible for leave for the number of hours that the employee is normally scheduled to work over that period.

► ELIGIBLE EMPLOYEES In general, employees of private sector employers with fewer than 500 employees, and certain public sector employers, are eligible for up to two weeks of fully or partially paid sick leave for COVID-19 related reasons (see below). Employees who have been employed for at least 30 days prior to their leave request may be eligible for up to an additional 10 weeks of partially paid expanded family and medical leave for reason #5 below.

► QUALIFYING REASONS FOR LEAVE RELATED TO COVID-19 An employee is entitled to take leave related to COVID-19 if the employee is unable to work, including unable to telework, because the employee:

• 1. is subject to a Federal, State, or local quarantine or isolation order related to COVID-19;
• 2. has been advised by a health care provider to self-quarantine related to COVID-19;
• 3. is experiencing COVID-19 symptoms and is seeking a medical diagnosis;
• 4. is caring for an individual subject to an order described in (1) or self-quarantine as described in (2);
• 5. is caring for his or her child whose school or place of care is closed (or childcare provider is unavailable) due to COVID-19 related reasons; or
• 6. is experiencing any other substantially-similar condition specified by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

► ENFORCEMENT The U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division (WHD) has the authority to investigate and enforce compliance with the FFCRA. Employers may not discharge, discipline, or otherwise discriminate against any employee who lawfully takes paid sick leave or expanded family and medical leave under the FFCRA, files a complaint, or institutes a proceeding under or related to this Act. Employers in violation of the provisions of the FFCRA will be subject to penalties and enforcement by WHD.


For additional information or to file a complaint: 1-866-487-9243 TTY: 1-877-889-5627 dol.gov/agencies/whd

March 24th, 2020

To our valued employees, we hope this email finds you and your loved ones in good health and continuing to practicing state & federal safety measures!
Please be informed this email is a follow-up to the notice you were forwarded last week. However, as more information becomes available to us through state and government officials, we will keep everyone up-to-date with new information as COVID-19 situations evolve.
As a reminder, all employees with direct payroll deposit will have their paycheck deposited this Friday morning as usual.
For employees not on direct deposit, they will be mailed their paycheck at their home address (as specified in salon’s Salon Target system)
  • To find out your accrued sick time pay, please email Liliana at [email protected]
  • If you wish to use any of your accrued sick time pay at this time, please submit your request to Liliana at [email protected]
  1. UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS: You may also be entitled to unemployment benefits. To find out if you are also eligible for unemployment assistance, you must contact the unemployment office directly — https://www.mass.gov/applying-for-unemployment-benefits
  1. HARVARD PILGRIM HEALTH INSURANCE: All employees who are presently enrolled in Dellaria Salon Harvard Pilgrim Health plan will have their employee premium costs paid by Dellaria Salons up until April 30th 2020. Upon return to work, employees will work out a reimbursement schedule with Dellaria Payroll Department for their weekly arrears premium deductions.
  1. COLONIAL OPTIONAL INSURANCES:  This applies to all employees presently on dental and/or short-term disability insurance through Colonial Life Insurance Company.
  • Through 3/27/2020, while Dellaria Salon will remit all premiums to Colonial Life Insurance Company (on employees’ behalf) that which have already been deducted/collected from insured employees’– moving forward, from 3/28/20 and up until we reconvene for work, employees must contact Colonial Life Insurance Company customer service at 800-325-4368 to arrange for their direct payments to Colonial Life Insurance Company, so to ensure no lapse in employee’s policies.
  1. 401(k) PLANS: If you wish to make withdrawals from your 401(k) plan, please contact Fidelity Investments directly. Visit www.netbenefits.com or call 1-800-294-4015. For retirement plan financial advice please contact information – Alpha Pension Group, Inc. Richard J. Cawthorne, Jr, Mark Salamone, Doug Padden
PH: 617-916-0335 or 877-449-4015
  1. FFCRA- Families First Coronavirus Act: Specifics of this new law will be provided to you by Thursday March 26th, 2020
We wish everyone GOOD HEALTH!


March 20th 2020

Hi Dellaria Salon Employees:

In light of recent developments regarding the spread of the coronavirus, also known as COVID-19, Dellaria Salons and its affiliates have taken immediate action to help prevent the spread of the virus within our communities.

These difficult but important decisions were made today after consulting with our owners and senior management team for the safety and wellbeing of all our employees, families and our customers. Safety will remain a top priority until we are assured we are passed COVID-19 uncertainties.

Please be informed, Regional Managers will be in direct touch with all Operations Managers today to determine what days and/or hours each salon location will remain open, with adjusted salon and staff schedules.

To help reduce the spread of COVID-19, the following measures are in place effective immediately and until state and federal government declare otherwise:
-At this time, ALL Dellaria Salons and the office will remain open
-All salons will be operating with significantly reduced salon hours
-All staff schedules are being reduced with limited work hours
-Employees who choose not to come to work may stay home
-Payroll will remain on Fridays and warehouse deliveries will occur as scheduled
-ALL Educational Department classes have been POSTPONED until further notice
-3/24th Operations Manager Meeting POSTPONED until further notice

Again, we have taken these steps to protect the health and safety of our employees, families and our communities, and we may need to take additional steps if guidance from public health officials warrants it. We are all in this together and must work together as one team, each doing our part to help. The virus spreads through droplets, so we would like to remind everyone of the following steps that you can take to help limit the spread of COVID19:

-Stay home if you are sick, and avoid close contact with others
-When you cough or sneeze, use a tissue or your inner elbow, not your hands
-Wash your hands with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds, or use an alcohol-based sanitizing gel
-Practice social distancing by staying several feet away from others

Please keep in mind, as COVID-19 federal & state government restrictions change(day-to-day), so too will Dellaria Salons actions, to help prevent the spread of the virus to our staff, families and in our communities. As this situation develops, we will keep all salon managers posted with updates, so every employee is urged to keep the communication lines open with salon management.

Lastly, Dellaria Salons is a resilient and caring company… With your help and understanding together we can work through this trying period – This too shall pass!

Thank you and please stay safe!

Jamie Gizanis
Human Resources
Dellaria Salons